Monday 12 September 2016


The Internet
The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that links millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals

Image result for internet definition

The Internet originated as ARPANET in September 1969 and had two main goals:
  •        Allow scientists at different physical locations to share information and work together
  •        Function even if part of the network were disabled or destroyed by a disaster
Image result for evolution of internet
Each organization is responsible only for maintaining its own network
>The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) oversees research and sets guidelines and standards
Internet2 connects more than 200 universities and 115 companies via a high-speed private network
Many home and small business users connect to the Internet via high-speed broadband Internet service.
  •         Cable Internet Service
  •         DSL
  •        Fiber to the Premises (FTTP)
  •         Fixed wireless
  •         Cellular Radio Network
  •         WiFi
  •         Satellite Internet Service
An access provider is a business that provides individuals and organizations access to the Internet free or for a fee
  •         ISP (Internet service provider)
  •         Online service provider (OSP)
  •         Wireless Internet service provider
An IP address is a number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the Internet
A domain name is the text version of an IP address
Top-level domain (TLD)
A DNS server translates the domain name into its associated IP address
Image result for ip address
The World Wide Web
      The World Wide Web, or Web, consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents (Web pages)
       A Web site is a collection of related Web pages and associated items
        A Web server is a computer that delivers requested Web pages to your computer
        Web 2.0 refers to Web sites that provide a means for users to interact
      A Web browser, or browser, allows users to access Web pages and Web 2.0 programs
  •         Internet Explorer
  •         Firefox
  •         Google Chrome
  •         Opera
  •         Safari
Image result for how web browsers display home page          

Two types of search tools are search engines and subject directories:
  •         Search Engine
  •         Subject Directory                                                                                                                       
A search engine is helpful in locating items such as:
  •        Images
  •        Audios
  •        Videos
  •         Blogs
  •         Maps
  •         Publication
  •         People or Businesses

There are thirteen types of Web sites 
  •        Portal
  •        News
  •        Blog
  •        Wiki
  •        Informational  
  •        Business/Marketing
  •        Educational
  •        Online Social Network
  •        Entertainement
  •        Personal
  •        Advocacy
  •        Web Application
  •        Content Aggregator

Multimedia refers to any application that combines text with:
  •        Graphics  
  •        Animations
  •        Audio
  •        Video
  •        Virtual Reality
Image result for other internet services

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